Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Employees in an International Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employees in an International Market - Essay Example As Groenewald (2009) states, â€Å"staffing, training, compensation, and performance management are basically important tools in the human resources practices† (p. 1). In this paper, we will examine the functions of human resource department in managing employees in an international marketplace. Most Critical Human Resource Functions To manage employees in an international marketplace, the human resource department of a company needs to execute some critical functions. These functions not only ensure a smooth running of business processes but also help a company achieve its corporate goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. Some of the most important HR functions in this regard include aligning recruitment process with corporate objectives, starting programs for employee training and development, and increasing employee motivation. Let us discuss these functions in some details to know their significance for a better management of employees. Aligning Recruitment with Corporate Objectives One of the main roles of the HR department is to align the employee recruitment process with the overall strategy of the company in order to build an inspired and productive workforce. Employee selection is one of those functions that are critical to ensuring a company’s success. It is the responsibility of the HR department of a company to recruit such people, who can prove themselves productive for the company through their skills, talent, and knowledge. A skilled and experienced employee is a key towards the success of a company. Therefore, global HR managers look for such people who can give improved performances and can ensure high levels of profits for the company through their performances. In today’s competitive world, recruiting and forming a diverse workforce...This paper stresses that employee training also plays a valuable role in ensuring long-term profitability of a company. Therefore, HR professionals put their efforts in investing i n employee training and development programs to improve the individual performances of employees as well as to increase an overall organizational productivity. Employee training and development also help in creating a pool of suitable replacements for the employees who either resign from their jobs or get promotions within the company, hence, leaving their positions available for other suitable candidates. Employee motivation is the combination of employees’ job-related behaviors, the level of efforts employees exert, and the employees’ level of determination. Companies are at risk of facing many setbacks with a lower level of employee motivation.This report makes a conclusion that effective human resource management is one of the most important factors that determine the success of a company in local and international markets. The main functions of the human resource department in managing employees in an international marketplace include strategic employee selection and recruitment, developing effective employee training programs, and increasing employee motivation to meet corporate goals and objectives. Some of the main outcomes of focusing on employee management in broader terms include selective and strategy-oriented recruitment of employees, improved organizational performance, improved business efficiency, and formation of a skilled workforce which is able to meet the requirements of the international business environment.

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