Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Exam Preparation Summarize The Motivations, Key Events - 2750 Words
Exam Preparation: Summarize The Motivations, Key Events (Term Paper Sample) Content: Students Name:Instructors Name:Course: Date: Exam preparationSummarize the motivations, key events, and important legacies of the Crusades.Popes and other leading clergy of the Catholic Church viewed Islam as an affront towards Christianity. They encouraged campaigns against Muslims as they also sought to convert local populations into Christianity. Their interest was to recapture Palestine and Jerusalem from the control of Muslims. The result was an advanced displacement of Islam in Spain after Roman Catholic Officials conquered the region (303).Accordingly these were considered as holy wars. The war was officially launched in the year 1095 by pope Urban II and it received immediate response from a preacher named Peter, the Hermit, who consolidated support from Germany and France. He went beyond these two and marshaled a mediocre army to confront Muslims in Palestine (303). Many of his people perished in the campaign. As a result, Nobles from France organized a mili tary expedition in late 1096. In 1097 and 1098, they managed to capture Antioch and Edessa among other strategic regions of interest. In 1099, the crusader army captured Jerusalem and together with other conquered territories, it was converted into Christian states (crusader state). The success of the campaign was a result of rifts that existed among their Muslim rivals in the target zones and later, due to the loss, the foes united for their common interest. Turks recovered Edessa in 1144 and Salah al-din (Saladin) also managed to recapture Jerusalem from the crusaders. Palestine remained in the control of Muslims and several attempts at capturing it were all flops (304). As it later emerged, the wars had since transformed into wars for political and military expansion despite being fronted as Christianity campaigns. Social, economic and political interest of the Europeans had become more important to the crusaders. A lot of cultural interactions ensued, whereby, scholars and theol ogians interacted while merchants from both divides carried on with their trades. Consequently, there was an exchange of ideas and technology to the advantage of the societies (304).Trace the development of civilizations in Sub-Saharan Africa from the time of Ancient Nubia through the Bantu migrations down to the rise of larger empires in the area around the Niger River.Nubian societies distinctively started taking shape during the late fourth millennium BCE. The Nubian community organized itself around agrarian systems that saw the society form into formal states with specialized laborers and a distinctive cultural tradition. They also had regular dealings with people from other societies and fostered stronger bonds to ensure their survival. Through intermarriage and participation in Egyptian armies, the Nubians became assimilated to the Egyptian society (29).Nubia and Egypt remained closely intertwined through generations because of political and economic reasons. The Nubians want ed to control trade at the south of the Nile under the protection of Egypt, whereas the Egyptian rule wanted gold, ivory, ebony and other special stones that were specific to the Nubian south(35). By 2500 BCE, they had established a powerful kingdom, Kush whose capital was Kerma. The early Kush kingdom was characterized by tensions with Egypt and it became formidable and worthy in its own right before succumbing to mightier Egypt. By 1100 BCE, the Kushite kingdom re-emerged with a new capital Napata. By the eighth century, they invaded Egypt under king Kashta who conquered Thebes at around 760 BCE, thus asserting the transformation into a mighty force. (31) Bantu people migrated from their original homeland in West Africa. They were among the most influential people in the ancient days and they settled along river banks. They also looked for open areas in forests to cultivate yams and sorghum as they reared goats and guinea fowls. (41) Socially, they lived in clan settings headed b y chiefs who also played the roles of religious heads. By 4000BCE, the ancient Bantus inhabited the Eastern part of the current Nigeria, And southern part of the modern Cameroon. By 3000BCE, they had spread farther south towards the Congo basin. They assimilated local communities along their migration path. They moved to more areas and spread out. Moreover, by 1000 BCE they had occupied most of south of Equatorial Africa. Their motive for migration was set presumptively on the high rate of their population growth at the time. They spread the culture of cultivation to east and South Africa by 500BCE and those speaking the Niger Congo languages spread the cultivation to the East and Central Africa (43).Describe the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean Trade Network. Where have they appeared in the topics discussed in class?These were a network of trade routes that came about during the Han dynasty of China. These routes linked the regions in the ancient world, and they emerged as a result of trade both on land and sea (159). The term was coined by German traveler and geographer Ferdinand Ritchofen in 1877 CE. They were in official use between 130 BCE till 453 CE, when the Ottoman Empire boycotted trade with the west, thus leading to their shut down. They helped the long distance trade system in which Chinese silk and other valuables were traded (161). In the process, they learnt the fact that the silk route depended on the tribute system and appropriate action was necessary. Along the route, they visited countries and failed to impress them. After conforming to the proper tribute system and the Ming Dynasty traded with them for access to their supply of silver, and even granted them a colony in China which was named Macau. The silk routes as have been depicted during the regimes where China ruled the seas and commercialized its voyages. The silk routes are also discussed in long distance trades between different countries that sought to spread their influence and har ness economic gain through socio-political interactions. They were majorly around Asia, the Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, Arabia, Australia, Europe and the East Coast of Africa.In discussions, the silk routes emerge often when revisiting the Portuguese exploration and Christopher Colombus. His goal was to reach Indian Ocean trade Network and participate in its trade. In explaining the spread of religions where Buddhism gained popularity in china and Christianity, the use of the silk routes is primal (162). The route are used to explain how epidemics spread across the eastern and western hemispheres during the period of trade and the biological exchanges that took place and brought forth a cosmopolitan society (163).Summarize the major features of the Han, Tang, and Song Dynasties in China and describe how the Mongol (Yuan) Dynasty was a challenge the dynastic cycle that the earlier 3 represented.Chinas reunion came during the rule of the Han dynasty. The western Han reign was bet ween 206 BC to 9AD and Eastern or later Han reigned between 25AD to 220AD. The geographical boundaries developed back then have since remained to define the modern China. Confucianism became the basis for correct official and individual conduct. During the era of china under Emperor Wudi, she regained control of her previously conquered territories and controlled trade routes both at the North and South of Taklamakan desert. There was immense expansion of diplomacy as a preferred tool for interactions (106)Tang dynasty after collapse of Han dynasty in 220 AD. This dynasty upheld great diplomatic relations and necessitated economic expansion through the adoption of a cosmopolitan society and culture. It emerged as a model Empire in the medieval world. They provided stability for the developments earlier started by the Han dynasty for another century and a half. Servants of the public were recruited using standards examinations and it was under the leadership of the Sui Emperors (217 ).The song dynasty was the first in the world to issue bank notes and also the first government to form a standing naval army. Despite their great economic standing at the time, the Chinese were under attack from the Mongols who managed to conquer the Song dynasty in 1279 AD whereby they became unified under the Mongolian Yuan dynasty, after succeeding a period of revolutions that threw her into divisions. These were five dynasties. The Song dynasty also had two phases, the North and the South. The initial one controlled most of inner China between 960 AD and II27 AD. The second one started in 1127 AD and lasted until 1279AD when it had lost the control of the Northern part of China to the Jin Dynasty (219). During this time, china had developed the tribute system to a functional concept and Emperor received gifts and presents in honor of Chinas superiority as the central land. However, China was conquered by Mongols, under the rule of Ghengas Khans grandson, Kabalai. His became the Yuan rule characterized by his adventurous policy. He did not pay attention to whole of Mongol Empire and as a result, Parts of the regions that his father had ruled had to split off. While in control of China, he rejected the tribute system and wanted China open its relations with other countries (259).He further diversified the society when he Gave Marco Polo, a foreigner, a high position as a Confucian scholar official in the empire. Upon his death, the Yuan rule fell apart, and its tensions heightened into more recurrent rebel activities and wars. As an eventuality, these attacks on china under its reorganized Confucian rule under Zhu Qizen, caused a lot of emigration by Chinese citizens for solace into friendlier territories (263).What were the major civilizations of both the Peruvian/Andean region of South America and Mesoamerica in the centuries from ca. 200 to ca. 1500 c.e.? W...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
What Is The Valley Of Ashes In The Great Gatsby - 1311 Words
In the fiction novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the story is told from the first person point of view through Nick Carraway, retelling the accounts of our protagonist, Jay Gatsby. Throughout this piece, Jay Gatsby strives to be with his so-called true love, Daisy, but soon finds out that she married another man, which creates conflict between many of the characters. The Great Gatsby has an abundance of symbols throughout the entire text, including the Valley of Ashes representing the moral and social decay of society in the 1920s, the green light symbolizing Gatsby s desire to have Daisy as well as the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg representing God piercing down upon and judging the American society of this era. Oneâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦To explain not only do they live in an atmosphere full of ash, but it is turning regular humans into ââ¬Å"ash-grey menâ⬠who ââ¬Å"swarmâ⬠like insects around the factories and cargo trains (thatââ¬â¢s the ââ¬Å"l ine of grey carsâ⬠). These are the people who do not get to enjoy either the luxury of life out on Long Island or the faster-paced anonymous fun that Nick finds himself enjoying in Manhattan. In the novelââ¬â¢s world of haves and have-nots, these are the have-nots. In conclusion, the Valley of Ashes shows the social decay that results from the wealthy indulging people of West and East Egg taking advantage society and leaving the poor have to live among the ashes. Another major symbol in the great gatsby that relates to the social decay of society is the green light, which represents gatsby s hopes and dreams for his future which is associated with daisy. But it doesn t just relate to the social decay, but also the way on how corrupt minds view the American dream and what it should be. Gatsby is hoping that his dream can become a reality so he can stop being lonely and finally fill that missing piece of his life. He looks at this light every night, ââ¬Å"he stretched out hi s arms toward the dark water in a curious wayâ⬠as he looks at the light he imagines himself in a happy home with daisy and everything is great in his mind which is what he wants.Show MoreRelatedThe Valley Of Ashes In The Great Gatsby Analysis1569 Words à |à 7 Pages In the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald,the author uses The Valley of Ashes as a symbol of the tragedy of the middle class, death, and hell in order to show that the poor citizens of America live a tragic life. The reader is first introduced to the dirty, impoverished Valley of Ashes when Tom Buchanan brings the narrator Nick Carraway to meet his mistress, and is later used as a setting of tragedy. Nick first arrives in the Valley of Ashes when Tom forces him to meet Myrtle, his mistressRead MoreSymbolism And Symbolism Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald993 Words à |à 4 PagesConte Roe H English 10 December 2012 In every piece of great literature authors use symbols to convey a feeling or thought. The novel, For example, Lord the Flies, William Golding memorably uses a conch shell to represent order and the destruction of order. Or in To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses the physical and metaphoric sense of the mockingbird to convey the idea of innocence and the loss of innocence. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald employs the use of symbols to enhance aRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1248 Words à |à 5 PagesIn The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, symbolism plays a major role in the continuation of the plot. Symbolism in this novel uncovers emotional backstories of the main characters, shows why the characters make the choices they do, and the difference of the meaning of certain objects in the novel. Although there are many different symbols in The Great Gatsby, the ones that stick out the most are the green light, the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg, and the Valle y of Ashes. Each symbol can have many differentRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1318 Words à |à 6 PagesFitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby. There are many symbols used in the book The Great Gatsby such as the green light, the valley of ashes, and the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. The green light represents Jay Gatsbyââ¬â¢s hopes, as well as his dreams, for the future. Because many people strive to become rich in The Great Gatsby, the result is moral and social decay. The valley of ashes represents social and moral decay, and it also represents the predicament of poor because the poor live in the filthy ashes and loseRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Waste Land Essay1714 Words à |à 7 PagesEnvoking T.S. Eliotââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"The Waste Landâ⬠, the ââ¬Å"Valley of Ashesâ⬠depicted in The Great Gatsby serves a multitude of symbolic functions. It primarily provides significant contrast to East and West Egg. This contrast is not simplistic, as Fitzgerald guides the reader into understanding that the areas are inextricably linked in terms of the American dream and moral corruption. Furthermore, the Valley of Ashes is a physical manifestation of the theme of death and mortality constantly being threadedRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay983 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Great Gatsby portrays the general feeling of the 1920ââ¬â¢s through complex characters such as Jay Gatsby, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, and Nick Carraway. Fitzgerald uses symbols such as the billboard, the green light, and the valley of ashes to convey themes and propel the plot forward. T.J Eckleburgââ¬â¢s giant eyed billboard is an essential symbol in The Great Gatsby. Eckleburgââ¬â¢s watchful eyes are a representation of God that observe the people who live in East and West Egg and the valley of ashes. TheyRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby974 Words à |à 4 PagesPoverty in the Valley of Ashes: The Great Gatsby ââ¬Å"This is a valley of ashes- a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and raising smoke and finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery airâ⬠(Fitzgerald 26). In the novel, ââ¬Å"The Great Gatsby,â⬠the author F. Scott Fitzgerald, mainly depicted lives of the rich and their luxuries but also showed theRead More The Great Gatsby and the Valley of Ashes Essay1149 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby and the Valley of Ashes à Many times we hear of societys affect on people; society influencing the way people think and act.à Hardly mentioned is the reverse: peoples actions and lifestyles affecting society as a whole and how it is characterized.à Thus, society is a reflection of its inhabitants and in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is a wasteland described as the valley of ashes.à Since the characters of this novel make up this wasteland, arent they theRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald970 Words à |à 4 Pages The Great Gatsby the American Dream The story The Great Gatsby occurs within the limits of Long Island, New York in the summer of 1922. The era of perished moral values, distrust, greediness, and an unfilled search of happiness. F. Scott Fitzgerald (author of this novel) introduces many different characters who, ultimately, were in search of the American Dream. Nick Carraway, the narrator goes to New York in hopes of learning about the bond business. Nick wishes to one day achieve the AmericanRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald957 Words à |à 4 PagesThe story The Great Gatsby occurs within the limits of Long Island, New York, in the summer of 1922. 1922 was the era of perished moral values, distrust, greediness, and an unfilled search of happiness. F. Scott Fitzgerald author of this novel introduces many characters who, ultimately, are in search of the American Dream. Nick Carraway, the narrator, goes to New York in hopes of learning about the bond business. Nick hopes that one day become rich. He lives in West Egg were the ââ¬Å"new richâ⬠reside
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Peer to Peer Piracy and the Film Industry Essay - 944 Words
Peer to Peer Piracy and the Film Industry Introduction Each day an estimated 400,000 films exchange hands through the Internet. Movie piracy, once reserved to pirate syndicates and illegal duplication factories, has become a common staple among college students with high-speed internet access. With advanced compression technology, movie files can be transferred across continents in hours and across campus networks in under ten minutes. File-sharing is seen as a victimless crime, but the motion picture industry is expected to lose $3.5 billion this year alone due to piracy. Pirate activities undermine every aspect of the legitimate filmmaking business since legitimate retailers cannot possibly compete fairly with pirate business.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This carefully planned release of the film to different markets is known as distribution windows, and is essential to the survival of the film industry. If a film is pirated at any point, the worth of that film can be fatally depleted long before it can retrieve its initial investmen t. Film Releases There are generally two critical points in a filmââ¬â¢s distribution window where it can be pirated: in theatres, and retail DVDs. The most important release for a film is its theatrical release. A movie can earn back close to half of its budget in its opening weekend. However, the film can be pirated in two ways. Pirates can use hand-held video cameras to record films off of theater screens and then copy these films onto other medias. Another method of piracy involves the theft of the film print from a theater. This type of theft allows the pirate to make a relatively high quality copy from the theatrical print, which then serves as the master for the duplication of unauthorized copies. These illicit copies are not only distributed to pirates in the US, but also shipped overseas and distributed through illegal channels even before the filmââ¬â¢s international theatrical release, cannibalizing a filmââ¬â¢s opening weekend-returns. These copies are usually encoded and transfe rred over the Internet as well as through peer-to-peer networks. The second critical point is copies from retail DVDs. Before DVDs are sold to the public, production facilities churn out aShow MoreRelatedMedia Coverage On The Rise Of Digital Piracy1612 Words à |à 7 Pagesinspired by continuous media coverage on the rise of digital piracy in Australia, the creation of new legislation related to piracy, in addition to the losses of local film creators and the familiarity of digital piracy within my peers. As a result of my research, I discovered that digital piracy has become common in response to delayed releases and high prices exclusive to Australia, and piracy has severe economic consequences for the film industry. My outcome is in the format of a formal report, followingRead MoreThe Impact Of Piracy On The Internet Essay1720 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Impact of Piracy According to the Motion Pictures Association of America website, A pirate is anyone who sells, acquires, copies or distributes copyrighted materials without permission. Over the past ten years, technology has greatly advanced, and with these technological advances, digital file sharing easier than ever. One aspect of these advances is faster Internet connection, which has made it easier to download large files in the matter of minutes. Whereas in the past majorityRead MoreDigital Piracy Essay1225 Words à |à 5 Pagesmedia products is accompanied by the emergence of digital piracy. Whilst copying had already been technically feasible during the era of video cassettes, it required certain equipment and piracy behaviour was limited (Waterman et al., 2007). The rise of the computer and World Wide Web, however, simplified the unauthorised duplication and storage of copyrighted content and caused movie piracy to soar substantially (Fetscherin, 2005). Digital piracy can g enerally occur offline (through the copying of discsRead MoreFile Sharing And The Internet Piracy1468 Words à |à 6 Pagesrecent years, internet piracy or file sharing of copyrighted material has gained much popularity. It is a topic that has incessantly sparked debate and has even received global attention. Although on the surface the act of file sharing may seem harmless, it is far from it. Each year, film and record production companies as well as software and video game development companies suffer from billions of dollars in lost profits. This loss comes as a direct result of internet piracy. Many agree thatRead MoreIntellectual Property And Computing Technology1207 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe history, how intellectual property and computing technology work together, the different forms of IP and protecting them. The operations and functionality of various industries across the world continue to change rapidly since the 21st Century. The change process started around the mid of the 20th Century when the industries began evolving on the design and innovation process. This marked the beginning of the adoption of new means of information flow due to the advent of computers and computingRead MoreThe Problem Of Movie Piracy1306 Words à |à 6 Pagesaspect of creating a film takes long days, weeks, and even years. Spending countless amounts of hours ensuring that every scene looks perfect, every outfit goes without malfunction, or making sure you donââ¬â¢t forget any of your lines all takes hard work and dedication. Therefore, being shorthanded by ââ¬Å"free movie websitesâ⬠, ââ¬Å"jailbrokenâ⬠firesticks, and more are all aiding in the growing problem of movie piracy. The purpose of this paper is to inform people on exactly what movie piracy is in the hopes toRead MoreIs Piracy Tr uly Hurting The Film, Record, And Game Industry1634 Words à |à 7 Pagesinternet piracy in the late nineties and the early 2000s, albeit while humorous, shows the public stance on piracy. Although internet piracy is often seen as a horrible crime that cripples the movie, gaming, and record industries; recent studies, as well as the outlook of several major companies/producers, say that (ââ¬Å"Youâ⬠) these claims are over-exaggerated. The question posed in this paper is fairly simple, but has been debated since the first few years internet piracy began to bud: is piracy trulyRead MoreThe Internet And Piracy That Will Kill Film Essay881 Words à |à 4 PagesAccording to movie star Helen Mirren, ââ¬Å"It ll be the Internet and piracy that will kill film.â⬠With the invention of the internet sharing content has been made significantly easier. It also raises the question, ââ¬Å"is sharing content belonging to others ok?â⬠This question was brought up thanks to a peer-to-peer file sharing website by the name of (online-piracy) when many big name celebrities sued tried to sue this website. Napster alone had over 25 million users so a lot of people thoughtRead MoreBusiness Law and Ethics Napster Case2125 Words à |à 9 Pages pages Introduction......................................................................................... 1 The internet piracy Napster case and other peer to peer system........... 1-3 What should be done to stop internet piracy or make it useful for companies......... 3-4 Conclusion................................................................................................................ 4 Read MoreInternet Piracy and the Music Industries Business Model - Research Project4472 Words à |à 18 PagesResearch Project: The Music Industryââ¬â¢s dramatic business model change from physical sales to digital downloads, how much the record labels are affected by internet piracy and how to regulate it. Information Discovery, Analysis and Interpretation Contents Page Page 1. Executive Summery 3 2. Scope of Report
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Remember the Titans, Directed by Boaz Yakin Describing the Character of Gerry Bertier free essay sample
The film ââ¬ËRemember the Titansââ¬â¢ directed by Boaz Yakin filmed in the year 2000. in this essay I will describe how a character changes throughout the movie. the character I have chosen is Gerry Bertier the captain of the titans football team, in the movie Gerry changes from races to against racism. At the start of the film Remember the Titans, Gerry Bertier rushers to a fight against black people this is how Boaz Yakin explains that Gerry Bertier is racist because Gerry rusher into a fight without knowing the reason why the fight broke out. In my own opinion I think Gerry is racist because he is going to fight because he is white and he is against black people, so were Ray, Allen and the others that followed their captain Gerry Bertier into the fight. Half way through the movie when the titanââ¬â¢s football team is on camp Julius challenges Gerry because ray isnââ¬â¢t blocking for Rev (black football player) and Julius mentions to Gerry ââ¬Å"attitude reflects leadershipâ⬠Gerry then looks at Julius and starts to realise that what he is doing is wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Remember the Titans, Directed by Boaz Yakin: Describing the Character of Gerry Bertier or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I think what Julius said changed Gerryââ¬â¢s perspective because he looked shocked and he realises that he has to do something about Ray not blocking for Rev because he could get hurt and he needs to change his attitude to become a better captain. The morning after Juliusââ¬â¢s and Gerryââ¬â¢s argument, coach Boone wakes the team up at 3am in the morning all coach Boones says is donââ¬â¢t get lost on the way, the team set out on a early morning run, coach Boone leads them to Gettysburg where he tells them about what happened there, when coach Boone is talking the director has captured a close up shot of Gerry that film technique shows the audience that Gerry is listening to coach Boone, later on in the film it proves that he listen to coach Boone because Gerry tells Ray off for not blocking he tells him to block Rev and Julius see that he is trying to change his perspective in how Gerry sees black people they look at each other and smile then Gerry taps Julius on the shoulder and says ââ¬Å"this is left sideâ⬠Julius replies with ââ¬Å"strong sideâ⬠they repeat those word over and over again. I think that Gerry is now realising that to become a great captain he has to overcome all the racism and work toget her in order for the team to achieve success. One of the games Ray ends up letting the opposition through and Rev gets hit and he breaks his wrist Ray acts like he doesnââ¬â¢t know what happened but Gerry knew that Ray didnââ¬â¢t block on purpose because at the start of the film Ray says to Gerry ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m just buying my timeâ⬠and Julius realises that he wasnââ¬â¢t going to block for Rev because he was black Julius tried warning Gerry and thatââ¬â¢s how Gerry knew he didnââ¬â¢t block on purpose. After the game Gerry says to Ray ââ¬Å" your off the team Rayâ⬠Gerry has kicked Ray off the team thatââ¬â¢s shows that he has changed and he is non-racist no more by kicking ray off the team it also shows that he is putting the team before himself. I think that he has finally changed his perspective about racism. In conclusion, the director Boaz Yakin has made the audience realise that the main character that changed for the good of things was Gerry Bertier he went from racist to non-racist he overc ame many obstacles and he united his football team the titans.
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